{ "TRANS_RESULT_KEY":"S", "Exception":"", "count":"2", "list": [ { "maxRows": 0, "models": [ ], "cmmnt": "Delay Reason: OTHER - Notes: Delayed dray to rail due to lack of appointments and chassis shortages.", "creDt": "2025-01-10 10:51 (CHICAGO, IL)", "hashColumns": [ [ "pagerows", {} ], [ "ibflag", {} ], [ "cre_dt", "2025-01-10 10:51 (CHICAGO, IL)" ], [ "cmmnt", "Delay Reason: OTHER - Notes: Delayed dray to rail due to lack of appointments and chassis shortages." ] ], "hashFields": [ ] }, { "maxRows": 0, "models": [ ], "cmmnt": "Unit holding at local storage facility due to limited UP allocations for ingate (reservation).", "creDt": "2025-01-28 09:36 (CHICAGO, IL)", "hashColumns": [ ], "hashFields": [ ] } ]}